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AICPA Professional Certificate

Its objectives are to:
1.    Train Chartered Administrators for entitites in manufacturing, commercial or service organizations, in the public or private sector of the economy
2.    To examine whether prospective members have an adequate knowledge, understanding and mastery of the stated body of knowledge or skills
3.    To complement the institute's practical experience requirements

Diploma in Business Studies (DBS)
Its Objective is to develop fundamental knowledge in the theory and practice of general business organization, the Nigeria business organization, and the functional areas of business organization

Membership of our Institute can be gained only by passing the institute’s professional membership qualifying examination the AAICPA and fulfilling the practical experience requirement.


URGENT INFORMATION: This is to inform the general public that venue for the 2018 induction ceremony has been changed from the Novella Planet Hotel, Port Novo, Republic of Benin to LTV hall.  The new venue for the induction ceremony of our prestigious and reputable international professional bodies shall be Lagos State Television Combo Hall, Agidingbi, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.  

Time :  12 Noon.     
Date :  May 12th,  2018.  Your presence would be highly appreciated sir/ma.